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Mission & History

About Us

Mission & Vision

The Douglas County Community Foundation's (DCCF) mission is to provide leadership and responsible stewardship of philanthropic resources to strengthen our community and enrich the lives of every resident in Douglas County.

A community where people elevate one another and have the resources and support to live a healthy, engaged and fulfilled life.

To responsibly manage philanthropic contributions, maintain agile funds and serve as a conduit in emergencies, inspire local giving, and provide resources and support to local nonprofit organizations serving the needs within our community.

Our History

The Douglas County Community Foundation (DCCF) was created to help preserve and enrich the quality of life through consolidated efforts in Douglas County, Colorado. By establishing a community foundation, Douglas County can focus on the community’s greatest needs through people, donors, charities, organizations, businesses, and government agencies together with charitable giving and philanthropy.

DCCF milestones include:

  • In 2000, with initial funding from corporations and several prominent Douglas County business leaders, DCCF was formed as an affiliate of the Pikes Peak Community Foundation
  • DCCF received 501(c)(3) status in October 2006 and became a stand-alone foundation in 2018.
  • In 2021, DCCF relaunched the organization in partnership with Douglas County Government. The new Board of Directors hired its first full-time Executive Director, implemented a transparent and consistent grant process, and established legacy fundraising events. Administration of the Philip S. Miller grant funds was also undertaken by DCCF on behalf of Douglas County.
  • In 2022, DCCF established a dedicated long-term endowment structure, which included the Community Emergency Relief Fund, and instituted a strategic plan that allowed for sustainable success.
  • In December 2024, DCCF hired a new Executive Director and Director of Operations.